"American Girl Postcard #98 Illustration"   Lot no. 2864

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By Alice Luella Fidler b. 1883

9.50" x 6.50"
Watercolor on Paper



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Postcard, American Girl #98, Edward Gross Co.


Explore related art collections: Women as Subjects / Portraits / Christmas/ Holiday / Winter / Fashion / $100 - $5,000 / Women Artists

See all original artwork by Alice Luella Fidler



Alice, born in 1883, was one of three sisters who created illustrations of beautiful girls and women and the occasional dapper Edwardian gentleman. In the early twentieth century, Pearle Eugenia Fidler LeMunyan, Alice Luella Fidler Person and Elsie Catherine Fidler created many drawings of beautiful girls and women. Glamour Girl, American Girl, and College Lad and Lassie were three series from these prolific illustrators. Most of their drawings were published as postcards, while their larger works were lithographed, and then some of the details were hand painted.



Carlyle Campbell Library, Meredith College