"(Untitled)"   Lot no. 24

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By Anton Otto Fischer (American- 1882-1962)

22.00" x 28.00"
Oil on Canvas
Signed "A.O.F 19" Lower Right



"Man & Woman in Disagreement"

Long affiliated with The Saturday Evening Post (nearly 50 years), he did dozens of covers and much story art, most notably the long-running Tug-Boat Annie and with maritime painting, Fischer was more versatile than depicting the sail and dreadnaughts when given a chance. Still, he's best known for painting the sea, her beauty and her dangers (whether hurricanes or U-Boats). It's no surprise that his oils graced such titles as The Cruise of the Cachalot: Round the World After Sperm Whales, Treasure Island, The Mutineers, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Dark Frigate, Moby Dick, and his own written work, Focs'le Days: A story of My Youth. His daughter, Katrina Sigsbee Fischer, wrote a biography on the artist: Anton Otto Fischer Marine Artist His Life and Work (1984) that's worth seeking out. Fischer also did illustrations for Harper's, Everybody's Magazine, Life, The Metropolitan, Cosmopolitan, Scribner's. One of his longest advertising series was for the totally land-based, A and P markets. His works hang in many naval venues in the USA.

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See all original artwork by Anton Otto Fischer



             The marine paintings by Anton Otto Fischer are as authoritative as only a working sailor could make them. Born in Munich, Germany but orphaned as a boy, Fischer ran away to sea at 16 and spent eight years before the mast on a variety of sailing ships. Paid off in New York, he stayed to apply for American citizenship and to teach seamanship on the school ship, "St. Mary's." He later served as a hand on racing yachts on Long Island Sound and worked as a model and handyman for the illustrator A.B. Frost. When he had saved enough money, he spent two years at the Academie Julian in Paris under Laurens.

            Returning to the United States, Fischer sold his first picture to Harper's Weekly in 1908, around the time he moves to Wilmington to receive critiques from Pyle. Everybody's magazine sent him the first of several Jack London stories. In 1910, he began a 48-year association with The Saturday Evening Post, which included illustrating seialized characters such as Peter B. Kyne's "Crappy Ricks," Norman Reilly Raine's "Tugoat Annie," Guy Gilpatrick's "Glencannon," as well as serials for Kenneth Robert and Nordoff and Hall.

            In 1942, he was given the ran of Lieutenant Commander as "Artist Laureate" for the United States Coast Guard and was assigned Moth Atlantic convoy duty on the Coast Guard cutter "Campbell" during the winter of 1943. The "Campbell" was disabled during a successful attack on a German U-boat, and Fischer's dramatic paintings of this experience were published by Life magazine. The pictures are now in the Coast Guard Academy at New London, Connecticut.

            In 1947, Fischer wrote and illustrated a book about his earlier sailing years, entitled Fo'c'sle Days, published by Charles Scribner's Sons.