"Doggy Buffet, Saturday Evening Post Cover"   Lot no. 2583

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By Richard Sargent (1911-1978)

23.50" x 20.75", Framed 29.50" x 26.50"
Oil and Pencil on Board
Signed Lower Left



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Original cover illustration for The Saturday Evening Post, January 5, 1957.


The Post described, ““I wish to establish.” cries Dick Sargent, “that my wife is one of the best cooks in these United States!” All right, nobody is arguing. Maybe this explains how Sargent achieved such a frantically mouth watering expression on the face of Foxy, the dog; he had that tableful of taste-bud provocation in his studio for days without being able to do anything about it but paint it—so maybe he imagined what he would look like with a dog’s face, and executed a self-portrait…. Well, Foxy, as this is New Year’s-tide, when everybody should be happy, grab a few slices of ham and an orange basket, and go someplace fast. The hostess will recover, and join the other humans there in feeling happy too. In this year-turning time, may all the humans in every home feel likewise, and all the Foxys too.” 


(The Saturday Evening Post, January 5, 1957, p. 3)


Explore related art collections: Saturday Evening Post Covers / Humor / Dogs & Cats / Magazine Covers / $50,000-$100,000 / 1950s / Animals / Food / Family

See all original artwork by Richard Sargent



   Richard Sargent did many cover paintings for The Saturday Evening Post. His works are characterized by their good humor and insight into human frailties. He also illustrated for Fortune, Woman’s Day, American Magazine, Photoplay, and Collier’s magazine.

   Sargent, who was born in Moline, Illinois, received his art education at the Corcoran School of Art and the Philips Memorial Gallery in Washington, D.C. He also worked with Ben Shahn.

   His pictures were exhibited in many parts of the United States, including New York City, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, California, as well as abroad. He was a member of the Society of Illustrators in New York, and for many years, lived and painted in Spain.