"Main Street, Buffalo, New York, 1905"   Lot no. 2773

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By Thomas Colletta

1905 (Estimated)
28.00" x 42.00"
Acrylic on Canvas
Signed Verso and on Wagon Right "Thomas R. Colletta"



Explore related art collections: Historical / Urban/Cities / Automotive/Transport / $100 - $5,000 / 1900s / Horses

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Thomas R. Colletta was born in Buffalo, New York and raised in the nearby Town of Tonawanda.  American/German mother, whose ancestors entered the United States in the 1800’s.  Italian/American father, who entered through Ellis Island at age six in 1921. 
Thomas received his first set of oil paints in 1966. His initial attempt received an award in a community art exhibition, and he has painted ever since. In High School he studied piano and composition, while playing French Horn in the school band and orchestra.  In 1971, Thomas accepted his first organist position at First Presbyterian in the City of Tonawanda, NY.
At the State University of New York College at Buffalo, though entering as a history major, Thomas graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Graphic Design. These years were also filled with lessons in Classical Pipe Organ and Bagpipes, while his paintings explored a variety of subjects. Upon graduation in 1974, Thomas became Technical Director for the Charles Burchfield Center in Buffalo, NY, where he designed exhibits, brochures and promotional material. In 1975 he became a professional photographer for the Longin Studio in Niagara Falls, NY. During these years his passion for painting prompted several solo trips to Europe, where he would absorb the many great masterpieces of Western Art and Architecture.
After moving to Hartford, Connecticut in 1978, Thomas devoted himself to painting full time. He began gallery representation, while accepting illustration commissions from publishing firms in Boston and New York.  Almost exclusively his canvases depicted historic, urban landscapes –aptly titled by one critic: “pictorial time machines.”  His first exhibition in 1979 was recently bestowed, in total, to the Hartford Public Library.


