"Elderly Cobbler Reading Paper Peering out Window" Lot no. 956
By Artist Unknown
1903 (Estimated)
20.00" x 12.00"
Gouache and Watercolor on Board

Postcard illustration; publisher: (The Gray Lithograph Company), Circa 1903;
The Male Gaze 120 years ago. We joke about how ridiculous it was when men got all titillated at the sight of a woman's ankles. It seems that it was thought ridiculous even then, when it was about the only part of a woman's legs a man was likely to get a glimpse of in public, as shown in this slyly humorous postcard illustration. Ostensibly, the cobbler has only a professional interest in studying the lady's footwear. In case you miss the point, he is reading the Observer and her stockings have a striking design to emphasize the ankle. As in later pinup art, the woman's personality is besides the point; she doesn't even need to have a head. The artist may be English, given the fastidious watercolor craftsmanship, but this illustrator is unlikely to be in the famous category, since he (we assume it's a he) has not mastered the art of perspective note the lopsided chair and impossible stovepipe.
Explore related art collections: Poster Illustrations / Seniors / 1900s / Rural / Work / Labor
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All paintings listed with "Artist Unknown" means we were unable to indentify the artist while inspecting the original illustration. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our staff with any questions or concerns you may have.