GENRE Select...\nCustom Gicleés Available Newly Researched $100,000 & Above $50,000-$100,000 $20,000 - $50,000 $5,000 - $20,000 $100 - $5,000 Advertisements Action Animals Automotive/Transport Baseball Beach/Summer Black & White Boating/Nautical Books Brandywine School Calendar Art Celebrity Children Christmas/ Holiday Circus Classical Comics/Cartoon Cream of Wheat Cultural Dance Dark/Somber Doctor/Medical Dogs & Cats Drama Fairy Tale Fall / Autumn Family Fashion Fatherhood Food Football Historical Horses Humor Hunting/Fishing Landscape Liquor/Beer Magazine Covers Magazine Stories Men Military/Soldiers Motherhood Movies Musical/Band New Year's Paperback Covers Patriotic/Political Philadelphia Whisky Ads Pin-Ups & Nudes Portraits Poster Illustrations Pulp Railroad/Trains Religous Rural Romance Saturday Evening Post Covers School/Education Sci-Fi Seniors Sports Studies Suspense/Mystery Television Thanksgiving Theater/Broadway Urban/Cities Violence/Guns Wedding/Marriage Western Wildlife Winter Women Artists Women as Subjects Work / Labor 1800s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s
(SHOW ALL ARTISTS) AB Abbott, Bob Abbott- Samuel Nelson Accornero, Franco Addison, Robert Ahrens, Ellen Wetherald Alajalov, Constantin Allen, James Edmund Allison- Jerry Amis, Hans Amsel, Richard Anderson, Harold Anderson, Harry Anderson, Karl Anderson, Victor Andreas, B. Andreasen, Dan Andrews Ard- Kurt Armstrong, Rolf Arthurs, Stanley Massey Artist Unknown Ashe- Edmund Marion Atherton, John Austin- Larry Avati, James Avati, James Richard Aylward, William James Babcock, F.R Baga, Volkan Ballantyne Bama- James Barclay- McClelland Barkley, James Barnum, Jay Hyde Barton Batchelor - John Bauer, Rudolf Baumhofer- Walter Martin Beal, Reynolds Beard- James Carter Becher- Arthur E. Becker- Charlotte Beckhoff, Harry Beecham- Thomas Beecher- WM Ward Beeler, Joe Bell, Clara Benda - Wladyslaw T. Bensing- Frank C. Benson, Leslie Langille Berkey- John Conrad Bernoth, Lucian Berran- Robert Berube, Phil Betts, Ethen Franklin Biggs- Geoffrey Biggs- Walter Binger, Charles Bingham- James A. Birch-Richard bathurst Birdsong, Keith Birnbaum, Abe Birney, William Verplank Bissell, Charles Phil Blakeslee, Frederick Blaser- Michael Blashfield, Edwin Block, Patrick Blossom- Earl Blumenschein- Ernest Bohnert- Herbert Bok, Hannes Bolegard- Joseph Bolles- Enoch Booth-Franklin Borack, Stanley Bouchor, Joseph Felix (Jean) Bower- Maurice L. Bowler- Joseph Boyer, Frank Boyle, James Bracker- M. Leone Bradley- David Brega, David Brehm, George Brehm, Worth Brett, Harold Brewer- Edward V. Brierly, J Ernest Briggs- Austin Briggs-Claire Brindle, Melbourne Brinkley, Nell Brissaud, Pierre Broadhead, W. Smithson Brooks, Mary A. Brown- Sam E Brown- William Arthur Brown-John George Brunner- Frederick Sands Bull, Rene Burgess, J.R Burnett- Frederic burnside-cameron Butcher, Jim Cabarga, Leslie Caddell, Foster Cahill, J.A Cahill, William Calle, Chris Calle, Paul Calvert, W.W Cammarata- Alfred J. Camp, Kenneth Fuller Campbell-Stan Carter- Pruett A. Chambers- Charles E. CHAMOÜOR, F, Champney- James Wells Chapman, Carlton Theodore Chapman, Charles Shepard Chapman- Mary Cherry, David A. Cherry, Sam Chiverton, Joan Christy, F. Earl Christy- Howard Chandler Chwast, Seymour Clark, Benton Cleland, Thomas M. Cloutier- Francois Clymer- John Ford Coconis, Ted Coffin- William Haskell Cohen, Gil Cole-L.B. Coleman- Ralph Pallen Coll, Joseph Clement Colletta, Thomas Constable Content-Daniel Conyers, Alfred Coombs, William Cooper- Mario Cooper- Abraham D. Cordrey- Earl Somers Cornwell- Dean Crandell- Bradshaw Cravath- Glen Crecy- Hal Crews- Monte Crisp, Arthur Crockett, Gibson Crockwell, Spencer Douglass Crompton, Edna Csatari- Joseph Damron- J. C. Davenport- Edmund Davies, Ken Davis, Floyd MacMillan Davis, Jack Davis, Warren B. Davis, Will Rowland Day, Maurice De Berardinis- Olivia De Kuh, Arthur Delaunay, Jules Deneen, James Denslow- W.W. Desoto, Rafael Devorss- Billy Dickel- Conrad Dickey, Robert Livingston Dikstra- M. Djoz Dodd, Howell Dohanos- Stevan Dolas- Michael Domingo- Dominick Dorne- Albert Douglass - Robert Drayton- Grace G. Driben-Peter Drucker, Mort Duer, Douglas Duillo, John Dumond- Frank V. Duncan, Frederick Alexander Dunn-Harvey Duvoisin, Roger Antione Dye -Charles Eastman- Ruth Eddy, HB Eggenhofer- Nick Ekman, Stanley Elliott, Freeman Ellis- Charles Elvgren- Gil Elwell, Robert Emerson- Charles Chase Erbit, Jules Erte Evans, Sally Evans, Scott Evers, Carl Fachet- Tony Falter, John Philip Farrelly- Joseph Fawcett, Robert Fidler, Alice Luella Fink, Denman Finkelgreen, David Fischer- Anton Otto Fish, Anne Fisher, Harrison Flagg, James Montgomery Flint, Susan Forstneger- Frank Forsythe, Clyde Foster, William F. Foster, William H. Foster- Alan Fox, Gordon Frahm, Art Frantz- Samuel Marshall Fredman, Harry Friedman, Marvin Frost, Arthur Burdett Frost- John Frush- Pearl Fuchs- Bernie Fuller, Arthur Furnivall- Frank Galli, Stan Gannam- John Garland, George Gehm, Charles Geissler- Susan George-Richard Allen Georgi, Edwin Gibson, Charles Dana Giguere, George Gilbert- Charles Allan Gillespie- Jessie Gillray, James Glame- Louis Glanzman, Louis S. Glaser, Milton Goodacre- Glenna Gottlieb, Jules Gould, Joseph Gould- John F. Goursat, Georges (Sem) Gradus- Ari Greco-Simon Green, Elizabeth Shippen Grefe, Will Grinnell- Roy Gross, George Gruger, Frederic R. Guipon, Leon Gunn- Archie Gustavson, Lealand R. Haas - Walter Haines- Hall William Hall- Norman Hamilton Hamilton, Margaret Hampe- Theo Hampson-Albert Hanna, John Austin Hare, John Knowles Hargens- Charles Harlin, Greg Harnly, Perkins Harper, Frank Robert Harris, Robert G. Harris-Mabel Rollins Harvey, Richard Hastings, Howard Haupt, Theodore Hausmann, George Hayden, Hayden (Howard Renw... Heade, Reginald Helck- Peter Helprin, Henry D. Hennesy-Joe Henry, J. Henry- Edward Everett Hess, Richard Hewitt, Donald Hiebel, Ben Hiebel- Adelaide Higgins, Cardwell Hilbert, Robert Hill, James Hill- William E. Hinke, George Hintermeister- Hy (Henry) Hirschfeld, Al Hitchcock, Lucius Wolcott Hoag- Jack Hoff, Guy Hoffman, Frank Holberg, Richard Holmgren, R. John Hopkins, Peter Hoskins, Gayle Porter Howe, Henry Howe-Robert Charles Howitt- John Newton Hughes, George Hulings- Clark Humphrey- Maud (Bogart) Humphrey- Walter Beach Humphreys, Donald S. Hunt, Lynn Hunter, Frances Tipton Hunter, Stanley R. Hurst, Earl Oliver Hurst- Hal Hutchison, Donald Icart- Louis Iligan, Ralph Irvin, Fred Iverd, Eugene Ivory, Percy Van Eman Jackson- Elbert McGran Jacques, Francis Lee Jepson, Lawrence Joelle Johnson, Raymond Johnston, David McCall Jones, Casey Jones- Carol N. Kalin, Victor Kane, Morgan Karasz, Ilonka Kastel, Roger Kauffmann-Robert C. Kaufman- Joseph Kauten, Mat (Mathias) Kay, Gertrude Kaye, J. Graham Keller, Arthur Kemble, Edward Kemp, Oliver Kerby, Robert E. Kerins- Charles Kernan- Joseph Francis Kiemle, H.W Kilvert, Cory King- William B. Kirchner- Otto Klauba, Douglas Knight, Hilary Knipe-Benson-Emile Koerner, William Henry Det... Kohfield, Dick Korder- Walter Korta, Robert Koufay, Gennadiy Krause, Walter Kubik, Kamil Kuck- T.J. Kunstler, Mort Lachman, Henry B. Lagatta, John Lambdin, Robert Lavalle- John Lee, Percy Myron Lee, Robert Leigh-William Robinson Lesser, Ron Lettick, Birney Leyendecker- Francis Xavier Leyendecker- Joseph Christian Lidov, Arthur Lincoln, F. Foster Lindner- Karl Linke- J. Conrad Linton- Frank Benton Lisi- Thomas Lombardi- Joseph Mazzini Longacre, M.R Loomis, Andrew Lorrain, Claude Louderback, Walt Lougheed, Robert E. Louishayner - Berlin Lovell, Tom Lowell, Orson Byron Lowenheim-Frederick Lukens, Winfield Lungren, Fernand Harvey Lyall, Dennis Lynch- Vincent Lytle, Arthur MacGilvary- Norwood Hodge MacLellan Charles A Macpherson- Edgar, Earl Macquoid, T.R. Madan- Fred Maguire, Robert Mangiate- Jeffrey Manobla Mar, Charles David Marchetti- Lou Marsh, Reginald Matania- Fortunia Mathewuse- James Mattelson, Marvin Matteson, Bartow Van Voorhis Maturo- Joseph A. Maver, Alan Mawicke- Tran Mayan-Earl McCarthy - Frank McCauley, Harold McClelland- John McConnell, Emlen McGinnis- Robert E. McLean- Wilson McMein- Neysa McMullan- James Medcalf- William Meese Alfred-James Meier, C.P Meltzoff, Stanley Merrill- Frank T. Meyers, Robert Meylan- Paul Julien Michael -Arthur Michelson- Gustav Miller, Keith Mingo, Norman Mitchell, Charles D. Mizen- Frederick Kimball Moll, Charles Moore, Al Moore, Guernsey Moore, J Moran, Earl Moran- Edwin Percy Morey, Leo Morrissey, Dean Mozert, Zoe Mucha, Alphonse Mullin, Willard Munson-Knute [K.O.] Nappi- Rudy Neagle, C.F Nehlig, Victor Nikolaki, Z.P Nosworthy- Florence P.E. Nowak, Franz Nuyttens- Josef O'Neill, Rose Cecil Oakley, Thornton Oakley- Violet Oberhardt-William Ogden, Henry A. Ohlson, Walter Oldham, Jean Olson, Victor Oshiver, Harry James Otto, Walt Oughton, Taylor Owles, Alfred Ozit Pages, Jean Pal, Fried Palumbo, Alphonse Panepinto, Alfred Parker, Cushman Parker- Eric Parkhurst- Harry Lemon Parrish- Maxfield Patten, Laurette Patterson, Robert Paul, Julian Paus- Herbert Andrew Peak, Bob Pearse, Susan Beatrice Pease-Raymond Peck, Clara Peck, Henry Penfield- Edward Pernard- Victor Perrett- Galen Joseph Peterson Pettee, Clinton Petty, George Phillips- A.B. Phillips- Clarence Coles Phillips- Gordon Pirson, Elmer Pitz, Henry Clarence Pogany, Willy Porte, Cecile Pott- Andy Potthast, Edward Henry Preston, Alice B. Price- Norman Mills Prince, William Prins, Benjamin Prittie, Edward John Pullinger - Herbert Punchatz, Don Ivan Pyle, Ellen Pyle, Howard Rabut- Paul Rackham, Arthur Rae- John Raleigh- Henry P. Rapp, George L. Ratterman, Walter G. Rector, Bob Reilly- Frank J. Reinhart, Charles Reiss- Winold Reiter, Freda Relyea- Charles M. Remington-Frederic Reusswig- William M. Reuterdahl- Henry Richards, Harriet Roosevelt Richardson, R. Riesenberg, Sidney H. Riggs- Robert Riley, Kenneth Pauling Riswald- Gilbert Robbins, B. Roberts, Morton Robinson- Robert Robison, Eric Rockwell- Norman Roessler- Walter Roseland-Harry Herman Rosenberg, Jacob Ross, A Leslie Ross, Alexander Sharpe Roundtree, Herman Rowe, Clarence Rozen- George Jerome Rozen- Jerome Ryan, Charles Safran, Bernard Sambrook- Russell San Souci, Daniel Sanders, Brian Santore, Charles Sarg- Tony Sargent- Richard Sarnoff- Arthur Saunders- Norman Schaare, Harry Schaeffer- Mead Schaeffing, Jim Schary- Emanuel Schlaikjer-Jes William Schmidt, Alwin Schoneberg- Shelley C. Schoonover - Frank Schulz, Robert Schuyler-Remington Schwartz, Daniel B. Schwieder- Arthur Schwinger- Laurence Scott, Georges Bertin Scott, Harold Winfield Scott, Septimus Edwin Seaton- Walter Segner- Ellen Barbara Sellman, Hans Sessions, James Settles, James B. Seward, James Sewell- Amos Sexton Shanks, Nelson Shaull, Randall Shaw, Charles Sheldon- Charles Shepherd, J. Clinton Sher, Lewis Shinn- Everitt Silver, Michael Simmons Sizemore, Ted Skidmore, Thorton Sloan-John French Slobodnik- John Smedley- William T. Smith, Dorothy Hope Smith, Howard Everett Smith, James Calvert Smith- Jessie Willcox Smith- Walter Granville Smith-William Arthur Smollins, Michael Soare -William Fulton Soulen- Henry James Spaulding, Donald Spreter- Roy St. John, James Allen Staehle, Albert Stahl, Benjamin F. Stahl- Benjamin A. Stahr- Paul C. Stanlaws-Penrhyn Stanley, Frederic Stanley, Robert Stark, Bruce Stark, Ron Stephens, Barry Stephens- Alice Barber Sternberg- Charlotte Sterner, Albert Stevens, Peter Stimson, Tom Stoessel, Henry Kurt Stone, Richard 'Dick' Stoops- Herbert Morton Strang, Ray Strayer- Paul Street, Frank Stuart- Raymond J. Sundblom- Haddon Hubbard Szyk, Arthur Tadiello- Ed Tate-Gayle Blair Taylor, James Earl Teague, Donald Tenggren, Gustaf Tepper- Saul Tevis, E.E Thomas, Vernon (mrs) Thompson- John M. Thrasher- Leslie Tidmarsh, Henry Tobey, Alton S Tomaso, Rico Toney, Lawrence Torres, Enrich Tossey- Verne Totten, Robert Traver, Charles Warde Travis, Stuart Twelvetrees- Charles Tyng, Grisworld Underwood- Clarence Utz, Thornton Van Buren, Raeburn Vargas, Alberto Von Schmidt- Harold Wachsteter, George Waldrep, Richard Ward- Edmund Franklin Ward- Keith Ware, William Watkins John Watts, Arthur Webb, Thomas Weber, Sarah S. Stilwell Wechsler Weeden, Eleanor Revere Weistling- Morgan Welch- Jack wendelin-rudolph Wenzel-Paul Wenzell- Albert Beck West Weston- Armand Wheelan - Albertine Whitcomb, Jon Whitehead, Walter Whitmore, Coby Wicks- Ren Wiener- J. Wilbur- Lawrence L. Wilkinson- J. Walter Williams, Richard Williamson, James Willis, Fritz Wilson Jr.- Mortimer Winter, Charles Allan Winter- Alice Beach Wireman, Henry Wireman, Katharine R. Wireman- Eugenie Wistehuff- Revere Wittmack- Edgar Franklin Wittrup, Jack Wohlschlaeger- Amadee Wright, George H. Wu- Leslie Wyeth-N.C. Yohn- Frederick Coffay Zasche, Josef Zingaro, Charles Zogbaum, Rufus Zurich- Carl Moos Zweger, Lisabeth W.
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"All Aboard!" Pullman Railroad Cars Advertisement
Albert Dorne (American- 1904-1965)
Watercolor Painting 10.00" x 13.00;" Framed 17.00" x 21.00" | Lot 4271
Winfield Lukens (1874-1940)
Oil Painting 22.00" x 16.00" | Lot 4264
'Three Jolly Cadets' Story Illustration
J.R Burgess
Watercolor on Paper 9.00" x 6.00" | Lot 4200
Street Scene Illustration
John Philip Falter (1910-1982)
Ink and Gouache on Board 9.00" x 14.00 | Lot 4182
Keeping Appointments with Convoys, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1943
John Ford Clymer (American- 1907-1989)
Mixed Media on Paper Laid Down on Board 36.00" x 36.00" | Lot 4087
New York Central and Hudson River Railroad
James Wells Champney (American, 1843-1903)
Ink, Graphite, and Watercolor on Paper Mounted to 9.75" x 13.00" | Lot 4072
Wall Street in Light and Shadow
Bernie Fuchs (1932 - 2009)
Oil on Canvas 33.00" x 21.00" | Lot 3901
America's Women Get the Vote, calendar illustration
Oil on Board 22.00" x 29.00;" Framed 22.00" x 29.00" | Lot 3900
The Computer Caper - Paperback Cover
Joseph Csatari (American- b.1926)
Oil on Canvas | Lot 3832
Cover illustration for "The Future Mr. Dolan"
Rudy Nappi (American- 1923)
Oil on Board 21.50" x 13.50" | Lot 3815
Main Street
Raeburn Van Buren (1891-1987)
Black pen and Paper 15.25" x 17.50" | Lot 3740
55 Wall Street, New York City
Kamil Kubik 1930 - 2011
Oil on Canvas 35.75" x 24" | Lot 3544
The Liberty Tree
Greg Harlin
Watercolor 13.50" x 11.00" | Lot 3500
Ford at the Fair
James Avati (1912-2005)
Oil on Canvas Laid on Masonite 27.75" x 27.50" | Lot 3435
The Fun of It
Charles Gehm
Gouache 40.00" x 24.50" | Lot 3423
Bobbies and Crowds Gathered in Industrial Setting
Dean Cornwell (American- 1892-1960)
Oil on Canvas 9.50" x 62.00" | Lot 3079
Battle of Belgrave Square
James Williamson (1899 - 1984)
Gouache 9.00" x 14.00" | Lot 2918
Ninth Street Station on the Third Avenue El, NYC Scene
Henry Tidmarsh (1880 - 1927)
Ink and Wash Heightened with White on Paper 8.25" x 8.25" | Lot 2832
Battery Park with Statue of Liberty
Ink and Wash Heightened with White on Paper 5.75" x 12.75" | Lot 2831
Samantha's Surprise
Dan Andreasen
Oil on Board 10.00" x 7.00" | Lot 2828
Main Street, Buffalo, New York, 1905
Thomas Colletta
Acrylic on Canvas 28.00" x 42.00" | Lot 2773
Beginnings in New Salem
Mort Kunstler (1931- )
Oil on Canvas 30.00" x 30.00" | Lot 2740
Ringing of the Bell
Robert Riggs (1896-1970)
Oil on Panel 23.00" x 10.50" | Lot 2191
New York Street Scene, Collier's Weekly Magazine Story
William Robinson Leigh 1866-1955
Oil on Canvas 21.00" x 34.00" | Lot 2146
A Loving Embrace
Oil on Board 28.50" x 23.00" | Lot 2138
Dolly Dingle in Spain
Grace G. Drayton (American- 1877-1936)
Watercolor on Paper 18.00" x 13.00" | Lot 2092
The Bright Shawl
Everett Shinn
Watercolor and Gouache on Board 17.25" x 22.50" | Lot 2058
"The Yogi of West Ninth Street," SEP Illustration, 1935
Anton Otto Fischer (American- 1882-1962)
Oil on Canvas 28.00" x 22.00" | Lot 2041
The Christmas Ship in Old New York
N.C. Wyeth 1882-1945
Oil on Canvas mounted to board 53.00" x 136.00", Framed 66.00" x 149.00" | Lot 2022
Mont St. Michael
Charles Ellis (1922 - 2004)
Oil on Board 29.00" x 35.00" | Lot 18
Sainted Sister, Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1940
Peter Helck (1893-1988)
Oil on Board 15.00" x 41.75" | Lot 478
Presenting Captured Yorktown Battle Flags - Philadelphia Blended Whisky Ad
Frank J. Reilly (1906-1967)
Oil on Canvas 28.00" x 40.00" | Lot 229
Waiting for the Rollercoaster
Leslie Wu
Pastel on Board 24.00" x 30.00" | Lot 191
Streets of Jerusalem
. Manobla (1930-1979)
Oil on Stone 24.00" x 18.00" | Lot 41
"Return of General Kosciuszko" - Philadelphia Blended Whisky Ad
Oil on Canvas 28.00" x 40.00" | Lot 231
Jerusalem Street Scene
Thomas Lisi
Watercolor on Board 19.25" x 13.75" | Lot 559
Listening in the Moonlight
Norman Hall (1885 - 1967)
Oil on Canvas 28.00" x 22.00" | Lot 538
View of the State House (now Independence Hall) as it appeared circa 1800
James A. Bingham (American- 1917-1971)
Gouache on Board 15.00" x 18.00" | Lot 245
One Law for All
Artist Unknown
Oil on Board 18.00" x 16.00" | Lot 188
"Vessel Entering Anchorage Through Drawbridge." Philadelphia Whiskey Ad
Oil on Canvas 28.00" x 40.00" | Lot 228
"Experimental Railway Passing Bull's Head Inn," Philadelphia Whisky Ad
Simon Greco (1917-2005)
Gouache on Board 12.50" x 17.00" | Lot 252
"Waterfront at Arch Street,"- Philadelphia Blended Whiskey Ad
Gouache on Board 12.00" x 16.00" | Lot 240
"Wigglesworth Toy Shop," - Philadelphia Whisky Ad
Gouache on Board 14.00" x 18.00" | Lot 249
Caribbean Riviera
Oil on Paper 14.00" x 20.00" | Lot 224
"Bank of the United States (later Girard's Bank)" Philadelphia Whisky Ad
Gouache on Board 15.00" x 16.00" | Lot 246
Watercolor on Board 18.00" x 12.00" | Lot 220
"Ricketts' Circus, Sixth and Chestnut Streets," Philadelphia Blended Whisky
Gouache on Board 13.00" x 18.00" | Lot 244
"Library in Fifth Street" - Philadelphia Whisky Ad
Gouache on Board 12.00" x 14.00" | Lot 241
Paris Street Scene
Ari Gradus (b. 1943)
Oil on Board 20.00" x 30.00" | Lot 192
The Porter
Lealand R. Gustavson (1894-1966)
Oil on Canvas 29.00" x 41.00" | Lot 176
The Crime Scene
Tom Lovell (1909-1997)
Oil on Board 22.70" x 16.20" | Lot 168
The Holy Temple
Maurice L. Bower (American- 1889-1980)
Oil on Board 18.00" x 14.00" | Lot 36
Two Women on a Paris Street
Charles Sheldon (American, 1889 - 1960)
Pen and Ink and Wash on Paper 19.00" x 16.00" | Lot 465
"Procession Entering First American Law School," Philadelphia Whisky Ad
Gouache on Board 12.00" x 16.00" | Lot 248
The Saloon In New York
John French Sloan 1871-1951
Watercolor and Ink on Paper 11.00" x 21.75" | Lot 874
"The New Theatre in Chestnut Street." Philadelphia Whisky Ad
Gouache on Board 12.00" x 16.00" | Lot 239
The Monopolist
John George Brown 1831-1913
Oil on Canvas 24.00" x 36.00", Framed 36.00" x 48.00" | Lot 841
"Racers Pass the President's House," Philadelphia Blended Whisky Ad
Edward Everett Henry
Gouache on Board 18.00" x 24.00" | Lot 542
Port with Villa Medici
Claude Lorrain (1600-1682)
Oil on Canvas 20.00" x 30.00" | Lot 561
Ebbets Field
Oil on Canvas 38.00" x 50.00" | Lot 857
In the Luxembourg Gardens, Paris
Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874-1951)
Pen and Ink on Paper 11.00" x 11.50" | Lot 749
Off Limits, Book Cover
Jerome Rozen (1895-1987)
Oil on Canvas 23.00" x 15.75" | Lot 708
Couple at European Rooftop
Mortimer Wilson Jr. (American- 1906-1996)
Oil on Canvas 31.00" x 35.00" | Lot 654
""Building the U.S. Frigate 'Philadelphia'" - Philadelphia Whisky Advertise
Gouache on Board 11.00" x 13.00" | Lot 247
"Gunboat of the Pennsylvania Navy Passing in Review" - Philadelphia Whisky
Gouache on Board 12.50" x 16.00" | Lot 250