In a series of illustrations for a Cashmere Bouquet Soap campaign, Haddon Sundblom used romantic imagery to subtly suggest the sensuousness of soft fragrant skin. The couples embrace and sit nearly cheek-to-cheek as the men gaze longingly at their lovers, who showcase their supple caressable skin
through bare arms and shoulders.
Fully immersed in floral blooms that nearly jump off the page, the women entice their suitors through the use of Cashmere Bouquet Soap, which promises to “adorn your skin with the fragrance men love” and leave skin as soft as cashmere (if used every day, of course). “Only one soap gives your skin this exciting Bouquet!” tout the advertisements.
Sundblom was a prolific and influential commercial illustrator who worked in the field for nearly forty years, producing work for household brands, such as Maxwell House and Procter and Gamble. He is best known for creating the iconic Coca-Cola Santa Claus in the 1930s.
Click here to view all available works by Haddon Hubbard Sundblom